Experiencing an Emergency?

During office hours, we are fully equipped and ready to help with all of your emergency and critical care needs. If you find that you need emergency assistance after hours, we recommend the following emergency veterinarians in the area. They are available when we are closed and we trust them for quality care! In the event you have to visit the emergency clinic we can get the records so we can follow up if your pet needs further care.

For your convenience, we have provided the contact and website information for the after-hours location here.

During Business Hours

La Crosse Animal Hospital
Get Directions | (434) 757-4442

Hours of Operation
Mon-Thu: 7am-6pm
Fri: 7am-5pm
Sat: 7am-1pm

After Business Hours

Dr. Jennifer Edens

Phone: 434-917-9815

*No calls or texts are accepted prior to 7pm

After Business Hours

Virginia Veterinary Centers
2460 Colony Crossing Pl.
Midlothian, VA 23112

Phone: (804) 744-9800
Cary town: 804-535-9000

After Business Hours

NC Start Vet School
1060 William Moore Dr.
Raleigh, NC 27606

Phone: (919) 513-6786

Equine Emergency Services

After Business Hours

Southside Equine Services
4733 Red House Rd.
Phenix, VA 23959

Phone: (434) 248-5880

After Business Hours

Woodside Equine Clinic
13011 Blanton Rd.
Ashland, VA 23005

Phone: (804) 798-3281