Microchipping 101

What Is a Microchip?

The Microchip is a passive, integrated transponder that is about the size of a grain of rice (12mm) and is injected into animals with a 12-gauge needle. The microchip is encapsulated in a biocompatible glass capsule coated with Parylene C to prevent tissue irritation and microchip migration. The microchip does not use batteries but is energized by an electromagnetic field produced by a microchip scanner. The microchip is permanent and will last the life of the pet. Each microchip has a unique identification number that is encoded and locked into its integrated circuit. When the pet is registered in a pet recovery database this identification number links the pet to the owner’s contact information.

Why Should I Microchip My Pet?

Every year approximately 6 to 8 million pets end up in municipal shelters, animal control facilities and humane societies across the United States (Source: HSUS). Typically, these facilities receive hundreds of lost or displaced pets each week, experience overcrowding and have limited resources. Some of these facilities have a no-kill policy while others have to make hard decisions. Fortunately, most of these facilities are committed to scanning pets upon intake and before disposition and will try to reunite a microchipped pet with its owner. When a microchip is detected, the facility will call a pet recovery service to locate the owner and reunite the pet with them. The system works; each month thousands of lost or displaced pets across the U.S. are reunited with their owners.

How Do I Get My Pet Microchipped?

Many veterinarians and animal control facilities offer microchipping services and host events in their communities. Come to La Crosse Animal Hospital and have your pet microchipped today!

Should I Register My Pets Microchip?

Registering your pet in a pet recovery database is the most important step in the microchipping process. Unfortunately, many pet owners forget or will not take the time or effort to register their pet. When an unregistered pet enters an animal control facility the pet could be adopted by another person or group, or the unthinkable can happen. Because unregistered pets are difficult to trace back to their owners these pets have a limited time to be reunited with their owners. Remember, a microchipped pet has a better chance at being reunited with its owner but only if the pet is registered in a pet recovery database. Once your microchipped pet is registered in the PETtrac Recovery Network, your pet can never leave home without positive identification.