
We offer a wide variety of services! To read about some of our services, please click on each link under our services to read more!


Your veterinarian’s primary focus is on preventative care, which means helping your pet maintain good health. In order to accurately determine your pet’s general health, or to properly diagnose a particular condition or issue, your veterinarian may need to go beyond simple visual examinations and perform a variety of tests. Part of the reason for this is just good sense–a thorough examination is more likely to result in an accurate determination of the pet’s health and can even help to detect minor issues that can be resolved prior to becoming major issues. Read More »


When people are thinking about going on vacation one of the first things that a pet owner has to consider is what to do with their furry loved one. If taking your pet with you isn’t an option, the next best solution is to bring your cat or dog to La Crosse Boarding & Grooming for our pet boarding services. Read More »


A caesarean section or c-section is major surgery performed to remove puppies from the uterus. This is most commonly performed as an emergency procedure when there is difficulty with natural birth. Most dogs recover quickly from this procedure; however, if your dog was in labor for several hours before surgery was performed, her recovery will be slower, and she will need extra attention and help with her puppies. Read More »

Cherry Eye Repair

Cats and dogs, along with many other mammals, have third eyelids that are located inside their lower eyelids. These third eyelids are known as nictitating membranes, and when they prolapse they cause a medical condition that is commonly referred to as “cherry eye”. While this condition is not usually dangerous to the animal, it can definitely be highly uncomfortable. It can also lead to serious secondary problems if left untreated and unresolved because the exposed third eyelid gland is out of place and contacted by environmental elements that it is not designed to handle. This can result in inflammation, irritation, and even infection. Fortunately, cherry eye repair can help to resolve these issues. Read More »


As a horse owner, you are well aware of the many responsibilities you have in order to ensure your horse’s health and happiness. Among these responsibilities include providing adequate shelter and bedding, a nutritious diet, plenty of exercises, and good health care. One aspect of regular equine health care that you may not understand is the Coggins test. Named for its developer, Dr. Leroy Coggins, the Coggins test is actually one of the most critical components of proper equine health care, and it’s very important to understand why. Read More »

Cryptorchid Neuter Surgery

When male puppies are born, their testicles are contained in their abdominal cavity, but by the time they are about two months old their testicles should descend into the scrotum. This is normally the earliest point at which they can be successfully neutered, though many veterinarians may recommend waiting until they have reached four to six months of age. Unfortunately, while a typical neuter surgery is fairly straightforward, some puppies cannot undergo this simple procedure in order to become sterile. Read More »

Dental Services

In both humans and animals, one’s dental health is very deeply connected with one’s general health. This means that general health issues that go unresolved can create dental health problems, and dental health issues that go unresolved can create general health problems. It is for this reason that it is so important to prevent dental health issues wherever possible and resolve dental health problems wherever necessary. Read More »


There are many things in a horse’s environment that can cause them to experience ill health. In order to help a horse establish and maintain optimal health, then, it becomes necessary to determine which things can adversely affect their health and then take action to protect them from these things. One such procedure that helps to restore and maintain health is timely deworming. Read More »

Digital X-Ray

We offer digital radiographs as a tool in modern diagnostic procedures. Radiographs, which are commonly known as X-rays, are used to evaluate injuries and conditions which require more than external examination. Radiology equipment gives us a non-evasive way to observe your pet’s internal physiology so that we can provide a more thorough and accurate diagnosis. Our veterinarians use radiographs to detect bone fractures, bladder stones, tumors, soft tissue problems (those related to the heart, stomach, intestines, reproductive, and urinary systems) as well as to locate swallowed foreign objects such as toys or rocks. Read More »

End of Life Care

As pet parents ourselves, the La Crosse Animal Hospital staff understand the decisions and emotions you may be facing as your pet ages. We treat end-of-life care with the utmost compassion and respect. We are here to help you assess your best friend’s quality of life and assist you in knowing when to move from general geriatric care to hospice care or if euthanasia is warranted. We emphasize the human-animal bond each step of the way, knowing you have spent a lifetime together. Read More »

Entropion Repair

It can occasionally occur that dogs and cats have problems with their eyelids, just as humans occasionally have problems with their eyelids. You may have noticed that your dog or cat’s eyelids look abnormal in some way, or their eyes seem to be a source of discomfort or irritation. One of the possible explanations for this abnormality, discomfort, or irritation is a condition known as entropion. Read More »

Equine Services

We understand that your horse is a very important member of your family and that emergency medical situations that arise for your horse are not only stressful and upsetting but also costly. In the same way that the health of small pets can be better maintained through preventative veterinary care, so too can the health of your horse be better maintained through preventative veterinary care. Our team of highly educated, trained, and compassionate staff will work closely with you to establish the best health program for your horse’s specific needs and can provide a range of equine preventative and emergency care so that you can rest easy that your horse is receiving the absolute best care possible. Read More »

Floating Teeth

Though you may not love having to visit your dentist every six months, chances are that you appreciate the importance of these regular visits. After all, your dentist can inspect your oral cavity and identify signs of potential problems before you’re even aware they exist and perform important preventative procedures that help you to maintain optimal oral health. The same can be said for a horse–certain dental procedures are necessary to ensure that they maintain optimal oral health. One such procedure is teeth floating. Read More »

Fluid Therapy

Proper hydration is just as critical for our pets as it is for ourselves. When a pet becomes dehydrated for any reason, they tend to feel weak and ill and they usually fail to eat properly or at all. Furthermore, dehydrated pets cannot efficiently fight off illness or disease and they cannot metabolize those medical drugs that are necessary to stabilizing or improving their health. Additionally, dehydration prevents proper blood circulation to the liver and kidneys, which then cannot effectively remove waste products from the blood and body. It is for this reason that fluid therapy is necessary for pets that are suffering from dehydration as well as for pets that require rapid medication distribution throughout their body. Read More »

Full Dental X-Ray

Pet owners are well aware of the fact that while pet ownership is highly rewarding and satisfying, it definitely demands great responsibility. Not only do pets need food, toys, security and interaction from their owners, they also need comprehensive health care. Preventative health care obtained through regular veterinary examinations is an important part of helping a pet to maintain their overall good health, and it’s certainly far less stressful or expensive than emergency or restorative health care. One important part of preventative health care includes establishing and protecting your pet’s oral health. Read More »

Goat Herd Health

Goats depend on and do well in herds because they are incredibly social animals. Taking care of a herd of goats is obviously more difficult than taking care of a single goat, and it is very important to establish and maintain the health of the herd in order to have happy, producing goats.


Pet grooming isn’t just about maintaining the cleanliness of your dog or cat. Cat and dog grooming also isn’t just about keeping your pet looking good. Proper grooming is about maintaining the physical health of your pet just as much as it is about his or her appearance. Ensure your dog or cat is getting the best treatment possible by bringing him or her to the pet groomer at La Crosse Boarding & Grooming. Read More »

Growth Removal

While there are certainly many health issues that we can prevent our pet from encountering, there are also some physical changes that are difficult to avoid but are not cause for alarm. One such physical change is the emergence of growths on your pet’s body. Read More »

Hernia Repair

Hernias, which are characterized by organ or tissue protruding through a gap in the muscle wall, can occur in most species of mammals, including humans, cats, and dogs. They usually cause swelling of the abdomen or groin, as well as loss of appetite, vomiting, and lethargy. Read More »

House/Farm Calls

We understand that you desire to provide your horse with the best health care possible, but it’s not always convenient to do so. It can be difficult to load them in a trailer and transport them to the clinic–a problem that is compounded if they have specific needs that require them to be seen on a regular or frequent basis. To aid you with this, La Crosse offers house and farm calls. Read More »

In House Laboratory

We offer in house laboratory that allows us to perform many types of testing that can aid in the diagnosis and treatment of your pet. Read More »

Laser and Therapeutic Class IV Laser

When your horse is experiencing inflammation and pain, it may seem natural to want to turn to anti-inflammatory drugs. Unfortunately, this may not actually be the best option for your horse. It’s true that these medications can provide your horse with some measure of relief, but they cannot heal or even help to heal the source of the pain. Furthermore, they cannot be used before equine competitions and they normally come with at least some undesirable side effects. Laser therapy, on the other hand, can help stimulate the tissue to heal properly, can be used before the competition, and does not normally have adverse side effects. Read More »

Laser Ear Cropping

The use of a laser means that there is virtually no bleeding. This is always critical when dealing with puppies and surgery. The use of the laser also ensures that your pet feels the least amount of pain. Ear Cropping is an elective cosmetic procedure that is not right for every dog or dog owner. For the owner who elects to crop, we are committed to making it a positive experience. Owners need to be aware that aftercare of the cropped pet is a must in order to have a successful outcome. Read More »

Laser Surgery/Laser Therapy

Your pet’s health is as important to us as it is to you. We are pleased to offer laser surgery as an exciting new option for a safe, comfortable treatment with:

  • Less Pain
  • Less Bleeding
  • Shortened Recovery Time

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Leg Amputations

It can be incredibly scary and stressful to learn that your pet needs a leg amputation. It can be so alarming, in fact, that you may begin searching for any possible alternative, hoping that maybe you can find a way to save your pet’s limb. Rest assured that your pet’s veterinarian will not recommend a leg amputation lightly, or before thoroughly exploring any possible and workable alternatives. This major surgery is recommended only when it is deemed absolutely essential to the restoration or maintenance of your pet’s good health. More importantly, you should bear in mind that pets who have had a leg amputation tend to recover well and quickly, with little indication that they are aware of a change in their physical status and certainly no indication that they are emotionally bothered by this change. Read More »

Microchipping 101

The Microchip is a passive, integrated transponder that is about the size of a grain of rice (12mm) and is injected into animals with a 12-gauge needle. The microchip is encapsulated in a biocompatible glass capsule coated with Parylene C to prevent tissue irritation and microchip migration. The microchip does not use batteries but is energized by an electromagnetic field produced by a microchip scanner. The microchip is permanent and will last the life of the pet. Each microchip has a unique identification number that is encoded and locked into its integrated circuit. When the pet is registered in a pet recovery database this identification number links the pet to the owner’s contact information. Read More »

Nail Trims

When it comes to taking good care of your pet, you may find that you often focus most or all of your attention on regulating your pet’s diet, exercise, and general veterinary health care checks. All of these things are undoubtedly important, but one thing that tends to fall by the wayside is nail trimming. In actuality, maintaining proper nail length through regular nail trims is a vital part of keeping your pet healthy, happy, and comfortable. Read More »

OFA X-Rays

The Mission of the OFA is to promote the health and welfare of companion animals through a reduction in the incidence of genetic disease. So, what is OFA certification? The Orthopedic Foundation for Animals is the recognized certifying body to evaluate and determine if a dog will have problem hips. The foundation was established in 1966 by John M. Olin after he found that hip dysplasia was affecting his sporting dogs. Hip dysplasia is a genetic condition and can be evaluated by radiographs. The OFA maintains a database for hip dysplasia and now also maintains databases on other genetic disorders. Read More »

Pain Management

Pain in pets is similar to pain in humans in that it can be caused by a number of different conditions or situations and it can be minor and brief, significant and chronic, or anything in between. In some cases, a pet’s pain is due to a very specific and acute situation that can be handled fairly rapidly and therefore may do require any sort of pain management techniques to be applied. However, there are also situations where the source of a pet’s pain cannot be easily or rapidly handled. These things simply take time to heal from–as is the case when a pet is recovering from surgery. Where this occurs, pain management techniques can actually be essential to the pet’s health, comfort, and ability to experience a smooth, full recovery.

Parvo Prevention

Our furry loved ones need vaccinations just like we do. Starting at 6 weeks of age your pet should start with the DHPPC Vaccine. As a puppy, he or she should have 4 doses and then once a year to protect them from Distemper, Hepatitis, Parainfluenza, and Parvovirus. Read More »

Pet Nutrition and Diet

Proper nutrition is a very important component of your pet’s wellness. Our veterinarian will help you make healthful adjustments to your pet’s diet based on your pet’s age, weight, activity level, and any special medical conditions. Observing your pet’s eating habits and fluctuations in weight and appearance are critical in the early detection of medical conditions. Read More »


Whether you’re a brand-new or seasoned pet owner, you have likely heard your veterinarian talk about the importance of spaying or neutering your pet. You may think this elective surgery doesn’t apply to your pet, perhaps because they are kept strictly indoors so they won’t have the opportunity to mingle with members of the opposite sex and procreate. It’s certainly true, there are millions of perfectly healthy dogs and cats in our country that have to be euthanized each year just because of overpopulation issues. However, while controlling and reducing the overpopulation of dogs and cats in our country is a key benefit of spaying and neutering, there are many more. We encourage you to take a moment to learn about and consider these other benefits so that you can better understand why spaying or neutering your pet is truly the best thing you can do for them. Read More »


We perform spays and neuters, tumor removal, abdominal exploratories, bladder stone removal, ear crops,c-sections, and dental cleaning all under the safest possible anesthetic and with the utmost attention to patient monitoring. Read More »

Teeth Cleaning and Polishing

Your furry companion is a very important part of your family, which means that you are deeply invested in ensuring they receive the absolute best healthcare possible. However, you may not recognize that exceptional healthcare for your pets includes regular dental care, just as exceptional healthcare for you includes regular dental care. It is actually not at all unusual for cats and dogs to suffer from at least a mild form of gum disease by the time they are three years of age. Fortunately, just as is the case with humans, gum disease in pets can be prevented or effectively treated and resolved through proper dental care, which includes teeth cleaning and polishing. Read More »

Thermal Imaging

Why consider screening your pet with digital thermal Imaging?

  • Our pets can’t tell us where it hurts
  • Affordable quick wellness screen
  • Discover secondary areas not seen by the naked eye
  • Locate pain and inflammation
  • See a before, during, and after treatment results
  • Completely safe with nothing being emitted
  • Improve outcomes with the more precise targeted treatment of areas

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An ultrasound examination, also known as ultrasonography, is a non-invasive imaging technique that allows internal body structures to be seen by recording echoes or reflections of ultrasonic waves. Unlike x-rays, which are potentially dangerous, ultrasound waves are considered to be safe. Read More »


An important part of your horse’s healthcare plan is the regular administration of vaccines. These vaccines are designed to expose your horse to a small, weakened form of certain viruses or diseases so that its body is able to build up the antibodies necessary to fight off these viruses or diseases should they encounter them. Read More »

Wellness Exams

Regular wellness exams are vital to your pet’s health. We can detect illnesses early on before they become life-threatening and too expensive to treat. It is our goal to maintain your pet’s quality of life for a long time. Read More »

Wound Repairs/Healing

As pet owners, we dread having anything harmful happen to our beloved furry companies, and this definitely includes wounds. Wounds can range in size and severity and can include anything from superficial scrapes and cuts to deeper and more serious punctures and burns. Regardless of their size, location, and appearance, your pet’s wounds should always be assessed by their veterinarian. This is because while some animal wounds are truly superficial and can successfully heal on their own, many others may hide more serious issues and will need medical assistance in order to heal smoothly and fully. Read More »